Resident Evil 6 (Highly Compress 6MB) + Keygen

Resident Evil 6 is a new action game from Capcom in 2013. It has been 10 years since the Raccoon town incident and also the President of the u. s.
has set to reveal the reality behind what transpire within the belief that it'll curb this improvement in bioterrorist activity. thanks to be by the President’s facet is his personal friend and Raccoon town survivor, Leon S. Kennedy, however oncethe venue suffers a bioterrorist attack, Leon is forced to face a President reworked on the far side recognition andbuild his hardest ever call. At a similar time, biological terrorism Security Assessment Alliance member Chris Redfield arrives in China, itself below threat of a bioterrorist attack. With no country safe from these attacks and also the succeeding outbreaks, the complete world’s population is united by a standard worry that there's no hope left. Resident Evil six guarantees one more dramatic, horrifying expertise mixing action and survival horror. during a initial for the franchise, RE six sees series favorites Leon and Chris close to face thisunprecedented threat. they're joined by new characters, every with their own distinctive perspective and involvement, during this relentless happening enacted on a worldwide scale.

System Requirements:
Windows XP/7/8
Processor Intel i3 or Higher
 14 GB free HD Space 
256 bit 2 GB Vram

Download Resident Evil 6 (Highly Compress) : 
Download Resident Evil 6 Keygen Installer      : (Link Update)

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2 Komentar, Kritik dan Saran:

Anonim mengatakan...

gan saya udah dapet codenya tapi ga bisa next, itu harus ditulis tangan pa copy paste?

Anonim mengatakan...

gan gimana? saya udah dpet kodenya tpi ko ga bisa dilanjutin, bagi caranya donk